
Friday 9 December 2016

Lesson 21 - 9th December 2016

In the first lesson after the holiday, you will be given a test on everything we have covered so far (including what we did before half term).

So you will need to revise:

  • Pitches (ie. where notes are on the stave)
  • Sharps and flats
  • Major Scales (the pattern of tones and semitone and specifically the scales of C, G and F major).
  • Minor Scales of A, E and D Minor (natural minor, harmonic minor and melodic minor)
  • Note values (including rests, dotted notes, demi-semiquavers and triplets)
  • Time signatures (including compound time signatures)
  • Major and Minor triads
  • Primary and Secondary Chords in the keys of C, G and F major (including inversions)
  • Key signatures (how to find them on the circle of fifths and what they mean)
  • Intervals (Major, minor and perfect intervals PLUS augmented 4th and Diminished 5th)
Use the labels to find information on all of these things.

Monday 5 December 2016

Lesson 20 - Monday 5th December

Independent Learning...

In this lesson:

Those of you who I didn't hear on Friday (or who are being retested this coming Friday) can practise the keyboards.

If you haven't yet finished the written work (Critically Cubed: Deadline this Friday) you can work on that.

If you are still unsure about time signatures, try this link. Try clapping the rhythm and identifying the time signature. It will tell you if you're right or not and play the rhythm so you can check it. You can add more complexity to the rhythms when you are getting them all consistently right.

If you have completed all the above, practise playing Minor Scale (A, D and E Harmonic, Melodic and Natural Minors). In all cases, the fingering should be the same as C Major.

Friday 2 December 2016